It may be helpful to provide a reading list to explore the aspects of surface survey not covered in this brief guide. These books and articles are at different levels, from popular to more specialist, some old classics, some newer. Aston, M. and Rowley, T. 1974, ' Landscape Archaeology: An Introduction to Fieldwork Techniques on Post-Roman Landscapes ', David & Charles ISBN-13: 978-0715366707) O/P Aston M. 1985. Interpreting the Landscape: Landscape Archaeology and Local History . London and New York: Routledge. Banning, E.B. 2002, ' Archaeological Survey ', (Kluwer Academic / Plenum - ). Brown A.E. 1988, ' Fieldwork for Archaeologists and Local Historians ' (Batsford, ISBN 13: 978071344842) O/P Collins, J.M., Molyneaux B.L. 2003, ' Archaeological Survey (Archaeologist's Toolkit) ' (AltaMira Press ISBN-13: 978-0759100213) English Heritage 2007 ' Understanding the archaeology of landscapes: a guide to good r...
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